A partnership with Mothers Helping Mothers is making a big impact for one local family.

A couple and their young daughter moved to the area eight months ago from Venezuela. Eager to provide the best childhood possible for their daughter, who has Down Syndrome, they knew that they would need assistance connecting with local doctors, therapy providers, and educational support. They were referred to Parenting Matters and soon began working with Rocio, a Parenting Matters in-home Parenting Educator. The family, also a client of Mothers Helping Mothers, did not have a vehicle and were using public transportation and Uber for all their child’s transportation needs. Rocio reached out to the Mothers Helping Mothers leadership team to see if there was any assistance they could provide to help alleviate the transportation barrier the family was facing.

The answer was YES! The family submitted a formal request and was soon contacted by Mothers Helping Mothers to inform them that they would be receiving a car at no cost. The family was overjoyed, and the transportation barrier was alleviated. Rocio went with the family to pick up the vehicle and was able to assist with the Spanish-to-English translation.

Parenting Matters also partners with Mothers Helping Mothers to provide regular parenting classes and workshops for their clients and hosts a weekly Musical Motion class on Wednesdays at 10AM. These opportunities are all part of the Mothers Helping Mothers Learn & Earn program, which offers classes on a variety of topics ranging from cooking to finances and everything in between. Additionally, they provide financial assistance and access to clothing and other small household items that parents may need. To learn more about their programs and services visit their website https://www.mhmsarasota.com/ .