With a small gap in our schedule, we’re re-airing the first full episode of the Parenting Matters Podcast, with Katrina Bellemare, Executive Director of Parenting Matters. There is never a bad time to reintroduce why and how important parenting education can be.

Once the interview with Katrina is over, stick around for a couple of minutes to hear how Steve got involved in the agency.

It has been an impressive journey watching Katrina lead this organization that has impacted thousands of families through parenting education and support. Through this podcast, Katrina has asked me to help share the vast expertise and knowledge, as well as stories of resiliency and hope that lie within the professionals at Parenting Matters. Her vision is that parents from around the world will learn new strategies, feel validated and supported, understand more about their children’s development, and be in awe of what amazing accomplishments young and growing minds are capable of at every stage.

If you’d like more information on the subjects discussed, or suggest any upcoming topics for discussion, just email us at info@parentingmattersfl.org and we’ll respond as soon as possible.